"He took it out."Originally Posted by zjpj83
ELAINE: He took it out. JERRY: (confused) He what? ELAINE: He took (blows on her glasses twice to clean them) it out. JERRY: He took what out? ELAINE: It. JERRY: He took It, Out? ELAINE: Yessiree Bob. JERRY: He couldn't. ELAINE: He did. JERRY: (motions of making out) Well you were involved in some sort of amorous... ELAINE: Noooo. JERRY: You mean he just ELAINE: Yes. JERRY: Are you sure? ELAINE: Oh quite. JERRY: There was no mistaking it? ELAINE: (looks straight into his eyes) Jerry. JERRY: So you were talking, (Elaine makes an agreement sound "mmm") you're having pleasant conversation, (Elaine makes an agreement sound "mmm") then all of sudden... ELAINE: Yea. JERRY: It. ELAINE: It. JERRY: Out. ELAINE: Out.