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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Nice re London location.

As a side comment, I feel like this brand is increasingly polarising though.

PS appears to be rather positive about it all and indeed to me appears they are using their platform to spread the brand awareness and put it in a positive light (Simon is open about Rubato owners being his friends). I don’t really like that because I think he is otherwise appearing very impartial on other brands (some less positive comments I made about their pricing under his articles seem to have gotten lost in the approval process).

The style - initially I was really into it seeing some styling on Instagram (not from Rubato). But then someone from Sweden commented under the most recent Rubato PS article saying that their style is like Scandinavian furniture - bland and lacking something special (in terms of colour and lack of any pattern). Like walking into modern houses - all grey, rigid, lacking soul. And after that I had my questions as cannot unsee this in my head.

Re pricing, a lot has been said so I won’t repeat it all. But one quote is revolting to me. Comes from a PS article about Rubato in 2019:

“PS: OK, so that’s the cut. How about the material?

Rubato: Cashmere’s great, but we loved how vintage pieces wore and aged, and they were usually lambswool.

Plus we wanted something that was easy to care for, that you could wear with everything from jeans to flannels, and that was a little more accessible too.

I think sometimes it’s easy to make expensive garments, because you just pick the most expensive materials, and you have plenty of money to put into design. Sometimes cheaper clothing just doesn’t have the same attention to details.”

So now we have no change to the accessible materials but premium pricing 🤔

All in all, the bar to pick things up in the London shop is rather high to me given all the above. But I do not want to rule it out completely so will give it a chance.
in regards to the style being like scandi furniture/lacking something special/soul... I get it (and probably wouldn't have a full wardrobe of Rubato but they do what they do well) BUT- texture is what is difficult to see online. So the suede belt, chunky ribbing on the v neck, thick knit, etc...that all goes a good way to adding interest in the absence of pattern.

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