On the 20th I have to attend an end of the year party for my fiancé’s workplace. I am a greasy mechanic, and a fashion/style rube. I have this cheap tweed blazer that I’ll need to try to have altered if there’s time because I believe it’s too tight (had it since before I lost my boyish figure). I would love advice on what pants and shoes to wear. I only have a pair of brown loafers and black oxford cap toe shoes, so I think I’ll need to buy shoes for the occasion. I have a maroon dress shirt or a plain white one. I plan to match her dress with a bow tie (clip ons are all I have) and pocket square. I don’t know what color dress she is going to wear though. I don’t want to look like a dork that tried to get dressed up and is clueless (I am), and I want to look sharp. I hate events where I hardly know anyone, and want to feel confident. Enlighten me, gentlemen.