Vass is a world renowned brand of handwelted shoes, located in the capital of Hungary, Budapest. The trademark of the high-quality design and the excellent craftsmanship of their workshop is represented by László Vass, the founder and leader of the shop and workshop, who belongs to a generation of shoemakers who were brave and energetic enough to go back to the roots of their craft and revive a rich, old tradition, giving the art of shoemaking new impetus in a new age.
Model: Valway
Size: 42
Last: F Last
Leather: Horween Shell Cordovan and German Scotchgrain Calf
Color: Cognac Cordovan and Cognac Scotchgrain
Model: Valway
Size: 42
Last: F Last
Leather: Horween Shell Cordovan and German Scotchgrain Calf
Color: Cognac Cordovan and Cognac Scotchgrain